Psychosomatic spondylolisthesis pain does not mean that the symptoms are imaginary. No, it simply means that the real pain is not purely structurally-motivated. Any modern student of pain already knows that a majority of chronic health problems demonstrate suspect anatomical basis, even though they are commonly blamed on one or more incidental scapegoats conditions, such as herniated discs, osteoarthritis, atypical spinal curvature or vertebral migration. Furthermore, it is universally known that all chronic pain conditions are strongly influenced by the mind, even when they are caused by anatomical injury, defect or deterioration.
Despite these facts, and the completely normal nature of mindbody interaction, the word psychosomatic still has negative connotations for most patients and is therefore arduously avoided by doctors. Why are people so resistant to accept the simple and proven truth that their health is directly controlled by their minds? Do they really think that all the autonomic process we take for granted are actually automatic? Of course not. People must know the reality that most of their body’s systems are under direct control of the subconscious and unconscious minds. Therefore, it is to be expected that the mind represents the most important contributor to both good health and the formation of dis-ease.
This resource section provides factual scientific evidence to reinforce what we already know about the mindbody relationship and its role in the causation of pain, as well as its resolution, in listhesis patients.
What is Psychosomatic Spondylolisthesis Pain?
What exactly does the term psychosomatic mean? Is it different than psychogenic? How can either term be applied to me if I see clearly that I have a structural problem with my spine called spondylolisthesis? These are all important questions and it is vital that you, the reader, can answer them before proceeding with your research.
Psychosomatic means the positive or negative influence of the mind on the body. It is that simple of a definition. All matters of wellness, injury and illness have psychoemotional components in their causation and consequences. Basically, this means that the body is strong when the mind gives it the necessary ability to be strong and is weak when the mind diminishes its resources because of stress, negative emotional issues or purposeful demonstration of symptomatic defense mechanism syndromes, such as headaches, stomach issues or any type of pain.
Psychogenic describes anatomical effects that are completely created by the mind, while psychosomatic describes conditions that are influenced by the mind. Many patients demonstrate psychogenic pain problems, where the symptoms come about completely due to non-structural causation. However, every person in the world who lives now, will live someday, or has ever lived in the past, has experienced the universality of psychosomatic symptoms, since the mind influences the body constantly and in countless important ways.
Therefore, regardless of your x-ray or MRI films demonstrating the presence of an atypical spine, you are definitely having psychosomatic effects to your health in relation to the listhesis. These effects might be negative or they might be positive. You might be suffering worse pain that would be deemed anatomically plausible given the specifics of the condition or you might be suffering far less pain that one might think, based on positive effects of the mind. You might also be experiencing completely psychogenic pain that is totally unrelated to the listhesis, although clueless doctors might blame it on the scapegoat abnormality.
Understanding these concepts are fundamental to good health, as well as instrumental to finding a cure for any type of chronic pain. If these ideas are ignored or emotionally discredited by the patient, they are hopelessly lost, as all treatment statistics already prove.
Psychosomatic Back Pain Dialogs
We have taken the time to prepare a number of highly-focused conversations about various topics related to mindbody pain and the psychology of listhesis below. As each new topic is made available, it will be added to the active essay list that follows:
Spondylolisthesis and TMS have an interesting relationship, since although Dr. Sarno concedes that listhesis is the one major cause of back pain that does have some structural merit in some patients, he also identifies some symptomatic forms of the condition as possible expressions of tension myoneural syndrome.
Knowledge therapy for spondylolisthesis is the ideal treatment for cases of mindbody pain that is mistakenly blamed on listhesis, as well as for people who demonstrate a mixture of structurally-motivated pain and mindbody exacerbation of symptoms.
The spondylolisthesis nocebo effect is very strong. The condition can be very frightening from a diagnostic standpoint and is likely to create significant mindbody consequences in diagnosed patients.
Spondylolisthesis fears can escalate symptoms and can even lead to disability, even when the anatomical aspects of the condition are not disabling or even symptom-generating.
It is vital for doctors to understand the psychology of spondylolisthesis when managing their patients or else become potential contributors to pain, rather than healers of symptoms.
Psychosomatic Spondylolisthesis Pain Acceptance
Some patients are extremely resistant to this topic as a whole and particularly how it applies to them and their pain. They feel like they are somehow being doubted, belittled or accused of something that amounts to faking their suffering, when all of these things are completely untrue. As mentioned throughout this essay, the psychosomatic process is universal. We all are under its command and trying to resist the validity of this idea is foolish. The mind will continue to influence the body whether you like it or not. However, if you acknowledge the power of the mind and embrace the idea, this is when you can begin to gain active influence over HOW the mind influences the body.
I have spent my entire career trying to help others to realize the potential for good health that exists inside them, regardless of what impediments that they face. On the grand scale, most cases of spondylolisthesis (barring the very worst) are inconsequential in life and will certainly not hold you back from doing anything you want to accomplish. If you can understand the role of the mind, you can take control of it and literally create wellness for yourself far into the future. If not, then you will still suffer its effects, but these consequences will be unpredictable and will most likely be negative, more than positive. In fact, the mindbody interactions might be at the very heart of the pain you are suffering right now.
The original website to detail psychological back pain in vivid detail is Cure-Back-Pain.Org. If you are interested in this fascinating subject matter, you must read the topical essays there!
Our proprietary Cure Back Pain Forever Program is uniquely qualified to end mindbody symptoms effectively and safely. Best of all, the program is available right now to help you immediately from anywhere in the world.
Spondylolisthesis > Psychosomatic Spondylolisthesis Pain