Spondylolisthesis products can be used to provide pain relief at home. These devices and consumer goods are mostly marketed to uninsured and underinsured individuals who can not afford proper medical care and those who have suffered disappointing experiences with doctors, chiropractors and therapists. While self-treatment does have advantages in some respects, patients are warned that many products do not work well or at all.
Back and neck pain products rarely enjoy evaluation by regulatory agencies. Most are marketed as health and beauty aids, rather than medical devices, and therefore can make claims that do not require much proof of efficacy, without breaking any laws. This is of course when they are marketed in countries that actually maintain proper regulatory standards on such products, which unfortunately, is a foreign concept to much of the world.
This important resource section details some of the more common products that are purchased by listhesis patients for home use. We will provide a complete analysis of their benefits, limitations and risks to protect consumers from financial exploitation and the very real possibility of escalating health problems from contraindicated use of some of these goods.
Spondylolisthesis Products
Since the birth of the internet, people have been trying to sell all manner of products that are geared towards back pain sufferers. Companies know that pain can cause a person to lose their better judgment and spend money on something that offers even the slimmest glimmer of hope for providing relief. The online pain product market is vast.
The problem is that virtually none of the products which are specifically geared towards back pain offer any real benefit when viewed objectively. The best most can provide is a temporary placebo effect and this is even a stretch for most products and devices.
Ironically, there are plenty of “normal” consumer goods, marketed to the general population, which may provide rewards for people with listhesis-related back pain. We choose to provide coverage of these consumer goods, since they are not exploitative and are fairly priced through the laws of competition in a free market. Two of the major categories of coverage here are chairs and beds.
We choose not to highlight many products specifically designed for spondylolisthesis or general back pain, since in our extensive experience, none actually work, all are overpriced and most basically qualify as complete wastes of time and money. This is particularly true of the various types of back braces that are often sold for upwards of $300 and consist of a wide piece of Velcro or an elastic strap. What scams!
Examples of Pain Relief Products
Below, we provide some consumer reports on the most commonly utilized product categories. As each new essay is made available, it will be added to the section that follows:
Spondylolisthesis back braces are certainly the most often purchased device for listhesis patients. Back braces all have one thing in common when it comes to their effectiveness for treating vertebral migration: It is completely absent.
Is there a best mattress for spondylolisthesis? We provide coverage of your many sleep surface options when dealing with listhesis symptoms that are sleep-sensitive.
How about the best chair for spondylolisthesis? We take a look at which chair types might be superior and which might be detrimental to listhesis issues.
Spondylolisthesis Products Cautions
We really hate to see anyone waste their hard-earned money. Moreover, we really, really hate to see people develop hope in a product and then suffer terrible disappointment when it actually arrives and turns out to be yet another disappointment. Therefore, we always provide a stern warning to back pain consumers:
Do your research. Never buy products based on claims made by the manufacturer. Look for legitimate, independent research to back any claims. Forget about endorsements (paid deals) or consumer recommendations, as these are usually fake and written by content writers for marketing purposes. Instead, purchase based on quality and low price. I mean, if you feel like trying a product and it is $10, then go right ahead. Just do not waste $200 on some plastic garbage that will literally wind up in the trash 5 minutes after it arrives and proves itself to be a waste of time and money.
Remember, we have been advocating for you for over a decade and have helped to pass stricter regulations on medical devices sold online. However, many companies get around these regulations by the classification of their products, as well as the manufacture and sale of these goods from countries of origin that feature no such regulations. Be careful and always use both common sense and medical opinion to guide your product choices.
We stand behind our products 100%, since they are safe, peer-acclaimed, effective and available to help you 24 hours a day. You can learn more about our proven Cure Back Pain Forever Program on our product page.
Spondylolisthesis > Spondylolisthesis Products